Campus Green Space


President’s Club

The President’s Club, established in 1967, honors all donors who generously support North Park University with annual cumulative contributions of $1,000 and above. Their gifts, listed below in their respective giving circle or giving society, provide essential funds for student financial aid, faculty salaries, new equipment and other capital purposes, as well as unrestricted funds to help meet ongoing budget support.

Founders’ Circle

Acknowledging those who continue to make significant investments in the University’s future through annual cumulative gifts of $20,000 and above.

Cupola Society

Honoring those who make annual cumulative gifts of $10,000 to $19,999 to North Park University.

Old Main Society

Annual cumulative gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 to North Park are honored in this giving society.

Leadership Society

Honoring those who give annual cumulative gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 to the University.

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